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Fredasgsbloggen uke 30 - Yoke Walk, Run Jump Step, Team TTB Tillmann, Point Break, Equilateral, Team cleaning with Mary!

Wohoooo, what a week!

Sliding through this week as if we are made out of steel. The Yoke Walk brought us some fun new Movement again for a long time! Heavy weight on our Backs makes us feel strong and makes us surprised about how much weight we can actually carry on our Backs.

Taking this into real life means there should be a time when you can put it all down at some point. Because carrying that weight for 6 Meters is something else than carrying it all our whole life. Get rid of the weight you carry now and then - find a way to zoom out of the burden of life and just enjoy being alive. Maybe going on a walk, reading a good book, listening to good music, having a great conversation. One thing I have learned in this new era of Screens everywhere:

The screen is not a good way to zoom out. It just drains you more...

Better: Training can also be a way to zoom out and find your inner balance - the question is how much pressure is there? Do you need to give your best every time? Is it so vital that you take the heavyweight today?

Most of us don´t make money with our fitness level, so it is not a life-important decision that day to go all out and see your name on top of the leaderboard. It is life itself that will reward us in our later years. So keep Working out, having fun, meeting people, zooming out of the burdens of life in the box, and blowing off some steam without putting pressure on it.

So, moving on to this week's fun, Starting with the last SuperSunny Saterday! What a Day to be outside! That was a Caribbean feeling there: Great work on thruster, running, lunges, and Boxjumps

Also, we are showing off our new entrance Wall!

On Monday, we had Yoke Walks, a Super cool Movement, and it was really nice to see how much weight we can actually have on our backs. 😎 and then "Run, Jump Step" made us feel our Glutes for some days after🍑

Tuesday was the day for a Team 2 TTB Tillman Interval, which involved going one full round before the switch. Heavy Deadlifts and a lot of T2B made our Hands rip or at least get some new calluses😬

Elisabeth's words: "Lovely team 2 intervals on Tuesday. Having 50/50 work/rest means it’s time to GO when you’re up! Many progressions on Toes to Bar-Rikke show how it’s done. Keep the technique while splitting into sets in the later rounds to keep going. It was a family affair in the afternoon, with Bjørn Willy bringing his daughter and son-in-law along for the fun. Felix always likes to see what Mum Aina and Dad Roy are doing, getting some pointers on toes to bar after class"

Wednesday we went for a Press, Frontsquat and Burpee adventure. In a workout called Point Break (what a movie! remember this?)

Dumbbell Bench is always fun and gets us to feel the chest afterward. Feeling pumped, the Jungle of 81 reps on Frontsquats and Burpees was easy to handle; with heavy breathing, we shopped off each rep as if they were Candlesticks 🕯️🧨

Thursday came with one of our beloved 40-Minute EMOMs; just hold on to the Calories and runs you did in the first round - No problem. A recovery Workout for most. Makes us be ready for the next day!

And the finisher awaited us on Friday was a grueling combination of a Gymnasty Girl with a complex weightlifting move: "Team cleaning with Mary"—each Movement already a challenge. Finding good movement patterns, we came through this one.

Have a great weekend, maybe we see you at BAF tomorrow?!

Olli & the team.



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