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Onsdagsbloggen HGSD: Murph - Strict Press & Cement Mixer.

Gooooooooooooooooooooood Lillelørdag folkens!

You might have noticed that we have had new quotes on the walls of training room #3 since last weekend. Some quotes inspire you, others make you think, and a few make you smile (hip extension, anybody?).

This particular quote has an excellent background story. Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, mentions in many of his talks that he noticed a trend among the people who train CrossFit. Most of them start CrossFit thinking they just want to lose a few pounds or get a little stronger. And they are right; they do want that. But the biggest adaptation we, as coaches, see happens between the ears. People commit to doing hard workouts, and this translates into a different outlook on life. Athletes start to take on challenging tasks outside the gym and get to enjoy the process of doing hard things for worthwhile results.

I can think of dozens of athletes in our facility who share a similar story, whether professional, personal, or related to fitness. They are slowly becoming the kind of person that .....fill in the blank.

The end goal might be a lifetime of getting fitter, but this process is made up of smaller steps or building blocks. As long as you can commit to doing one more day of working towards that progress - one more workout, one more healthy shopping trip, meal prep, early bedtime, meditation, yoga session, sauna, socialize, or just pick up the weight and do one more rep - you keep heading in the right direction. So the most important question to ask yourself is not did my biceps grow? The most important question to ask yourself is: "Can I do one more?" One more step in the right direction that initiates between the ears.

Over to the workouts:

The Weekend was filled with our regular BAF and two options for a workout on Sunday. Even without Janniche doing her weekly call for fitness friends doing an EMOM, we see you logging your scores on Sunday 🤓. Well done!

Monday was Memorial Day, which means one thing in the CrossFit world: Murph.

We did it in class, the Teens did it as a team, and even the Company Class with Deloitte joined in on the "fun". This Hero workout with a (very) high volume of bodyweight movements is as much of a mental challenge as it is a physical one.

Out of the 92 results that were logged in SugarWOD that day, 72 were marked as a PR (first-time logging score or improving a previous score)!! Alexander wrote a little piece of prose on our Facebook page about the pain in his thighs and the thoughts going through his head on that final run. Very relatable, and I couldn't get the Oasis song out of my head for at least a day after reading it. "did you ever feel the pain, in the morning rain, as it soaks you to the bone"?

Tuesday: Shoulder Press & Cement Mixer

After strict pressing a bit more than 90% for reps, we got into a spice combo of machine work and toes-to-bar variations on the day after Murph. Those first few quick rounds felt like all machine work, but slowly and steadily, the volume of TTB started to add up on the grip and abs. Thomas R. joined the class at 9:00 and 19:00! Thinking he might as well socialize and move a bit more than sit on the couch. Even though double sessions should not become the standard, I think the guy is pretty damn right. Once again, the teens did the same workout, with all athletes scoring 6 rounds or more.

After a trip to Bergen, where the Seniors enjoyed a visit and workout at CrossFit Verfet Minde and a tur up Fløyen, they got back to business this week as well. Murph for everybody!

The kids will have their last training before the summer vacation on the 19th of June, it will be another occasion for them to bring their parents or caretakers and show off what they have been working on recently.

Just a reminder: with the summer coming up, we have devised some plans to keep assisting you in being active and healthy. Read about it here:

But before we are there, we will have a fun afternoon/evening event together on Saturday, the 8th of June. The Hinderløype starts at kl. 16:00. We fire up the BBQ at kl.17:00; bring your own food. We welcome participants to the Game Night at 18:00. We need teams of 4 so you and three other buddies can form a team. We would also love for you to show up as a "free agent" to get to know some more Verftetians. We will collect and mix the free agents, adding coaches where needed, to form teams on the evening. Join in on (a part of) the fun if you can!

Enjoy the rest of the week. We have some more goodies coming up! I hope to see you there.

Be sweet, Parakeet 🦜




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