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Threw it to the Ground 15.januar.2024

Most of you threw the Jumprope to the Ground, maybe in Anger, or disgust. but also maybe in Joy and Proudness! How many Double Under did you get today? Or did you hit the same amount of Singles every Round?

No matter how you threw it to the Ground we are equally proud of your effort today!!

CROSSFIT States it like this:

"On the surface, the double-under is simple. Grab a jump rope and let it pass under your feet twice each time you jump.

When double-unders go well, they are a thing of beauty. The rope is a blur as the athlete bounces up and down, relaxed and composed, the calm in the eye of a storm.

When double-unders fall apart, it’s painful to watch—and experience. The rope whips the athlete in the legs. The rope catches under the athlete’s feet. The hands and body seem to move at cross purposes. The athlete gets increasingly frustrated, and the situation gets worse. The scenario usually ends with a rope getting thrown across the gym. Often, there are tears.

The movement seems simple, but so much can go wrong. Double-unders require perfect timing and consistency. The athlete must stay relaxed and fluid, which is not easy when the clock is counting down and the stupid rope is whipping you."

We got remedies for this, so lets focus on what we can change ;-)

Fotos of the Day:

  • What's that Barbell doing on the Rack? Who did Bench Press?

Well, if you can't do some of the Movements. we just change it. and yes we have Frank today doing Bench Press and Russian Twist instead. You can always train around your pains B-)

  • We can always manage for you to make little steps towards your Goals!

  • As you can see in the big foto Eli managed to jump on the Big Box today!!! Wohoo

  • Her you can See also Andreas getting the girls to do the Afterparty!

  • And Always Happy people!

Love Everyone of You!

Whiteboard and Scores:



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